Vmt training software#
Web-access to the simulation software allows training anytime and anywhere for review, refresher, and recurrent training. In addition to the standard VMT training programme, our project and service staff also offers individual training programmes tailor-made to suit your system for your operating, specialist and quality assurance personnel. A laptop or desktop-based training system, CAE’s VMT provides a learning environment for maintenance technicians to gain practical experience of systems and maintenance tasks. The CAE VMT combines line-replaceable unit (LRU) and component location modules to provide a 'virtual vessel' for systems familiarization, maintenance procedural training, and troubleshooting.

VMT estimates, while based on AADT estimates, include the distance traveled element and thus provide a measure of highway vehicle travel usage over a geographic area, such as a county, state, or highway system. VMT trains your staff in a qualified and needs-oriented manner in accordance with your specific system solution. Most traffic counts are reported in terms of annual average daily traffic (AADT) and represent an estimate of the number of vehicles traveling along a given point on a highway on an average day in the year.

Vehicle miles of travel (VMT) is a measure of all the miles driven within a specified area and timeframe.